Thursday, June 30, 2005


People are gonna pay for this? Presumably to be told a load of wishy-washy bollocks about "Emotional Wealth".

No swearing.

Found it here...

Aren't comments on blogs wonderful things.

Technorati -

What a great discount

In response to John Courtney's comment that "£5/month would be more like it", Mark Ballantyne says "I can't honestly see it dropping further and I think we have a good concession (50%)."

Mark, if thay had overpriced it £250/month, you'd be getting a grrrreat concession (90%).

Technorati - -

Thomas travels through time...

...and still gets it wrong.

"There are currently 156 BlackStars as at July 1st 2005".

There are 158 today (June 30th 2005). Which two are leaving by tomorrow? Idiot.

Technorati - -

Price Reduction

Glenn says this is "inline with our policy of listening to the membership to deliver continuous improvement".

Ecad management-speak for "we got the pricing ridiculously wrong on this one, so are halving it".

Interestingly, the free trial months will be ended, so people will not be able to test it. I can see this negating any impetus caused by the price drop.

Technorati - -

Government funded coaching...

FFS. This must be a joke.

Companies employing "between 25 and 249 people and are in London, qualify if their turnover is less than £22.8 million, so long as the coaching is for the MD or other director.".

How the hell did this "initiative" come about? Because London-based company directors turning over £22.8m are evidently in dire need of subsidies for "coaching". The mind boggles.

Technorati -

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Paul Sherman happily ran off a load of useless (and misleading) statistics for us...

Useless and meaningless? Try "there are over 1,600 clubs in which collectively over 50,000 members".

Almost 300 of those clubs have never had a single message posted in them.

Over 500 of those clubs have 5 members or less.

Over 700 of those clubs haven't had a message posted this calendar year.

Perhaps the most meaningful statistic, though, is the one that Paul Sherman refuses to quote, despite people asking on that blog.

How many members have signed up to become paying members of marketplace?

I had the following brief email exchange with the Shermanator this evening. Obviously the communications breakdown which means that Ecademy Offers is dismissed as "not part of The Ecademy service offering and has no approved partnership directly with Ecademy" means that Paul Sherman hasn't been told to ignore my emails.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ste Andreassen []
> Sent: 28 June 2005 20:59
> To:
> Subject: MarketStar
> Re:
> Any chance of answering Brian's question?

> My guess is... less than 15.

Subject: RE: MarketStar
From: "Paul Sherman"
Date: Tue, June 28, 2005 8:04 pm
> Wrong

-----Original Message-----
From: Ste Andreassen []
Sent: 28 June 2005 21:19
To: Paul Sherman
Subject: RE: MarketStar

Okay... certainly no more than 25.

But will you answer Brian's question? It has been there all day, and
people seem to be interested. Why quote a lot of pointless statistics
leave out the most pertinent one?


Subject: RE: MarketStar
From: "Paul Sherman"
Date: Tue, June 28, 2005 8:19 pm

That was not the point of the blog, go away.

Subject: RE: MarketStar
From: "Ste Andreassen"
Date: Tue, June 28, 2005 8:46 pm

But it will be the point of my blog.

Consider me gone away.



Technorati - -

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ecademy Offers

Someone has gone to a lot of effort to create this...

... well, a bit of effort at least. It is a clone of this...

Odd that the contact email is given as Odd that the owner of bluroute is a PN, and mentions it explicitly on his profile.

Glenn says "This site is not part of The Ecademy service offering and has no approved partnership with Ecademy.".

I registered. I'm not sure if it is some sort of scam, as it wouldn't let me log in to place an ad, just to view them. Ah... you need to create a seperate account with a different email address. Genius.

Update -


You know when the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.


Technorati - -

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Stop Blogvertising! Now!

Paul Sherman states...

"Ecademy is self policing to an extent in that blatant blogvertisers tend to get flamed or ignored and people's reputations are enhanced or otherwise by the content they publish. A signature in a blog bringing attention to your business is acceptable, an advert is not, that is why we created MarketStar."


The internet archive (what a great resource for uncovering ecademy hypocrisy), and indeed Paul's old blog entries, show he has come a long way in a year.

Read that, then read his last sentence in today's blog again...

"A signature in a blog bringing attention to your business is acceptable, an advert is not, that is why we created MarketStar."

No, you created MarketStar because "Catalist" - - and numerous marketplace launches have failed. I don't know what Thomas "promised" you, but when exactly do you cut your losses?

Technorati - -

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

How desperate are they?

Begging people for affiliate clicks doesn't inspire confidence.

Technorati -

Poor Yoshit...

Another victim of the over-enthusiastic profanity filter.


Okay. This gets worse. Yoshit has had to change his name to Yoshi, in order not to be known as Yo****.

Considering Thomas' blog "Why we all need to blog everyday" - - (ignoring the fact that he hasn't blogged for over 6 weeks?!??) and the advice -

"...try typing in your name and you should find your Ecademy profile is top of Google".

Yoshit won't. If other people google "yoshi rastogi", perhaps to find more information about his services, they will get no results.

The results are under "yoshit rastogi", his real name.

A stupid hypocritical system. Idiots. Again.

Technorati - -

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Benefits of BlackStar

Changes to the BlackStar page...

...what to make of the benefits?

Life Membership is an asset that may be listed in your Will and passed on to the next of kin

(True - although this has always struck me as a bizarre "benefit". Nice that they charge 10% of "value" to the grieving recipient.)

Life Members give one another Work

(What? Just through being a BlackStar? No. Stupid statement.)

Private Meetings

(Can be arranged without BlackStar)

Better Connectivity

(Impossible to quantify. Better than what? Non-BlackStar? Nope)

Private 1-to-1s

(Because you can't talk to anyone privately without BlackStar.)

Better Access to People

(No. Even if this means "in Ecademy", then PN status means you can connect with everyone in the network.)

Better and New Routes to Market

(Can't be proven.)

Find Work Faster

(Can't be proven. Bullshit.)

Find Suppliers and Trusted Partners Faster

(Can't be proven. Suppliers for anything? No.)

Surround yourself with experts

(Experts in what? Snake Oil? Affiliate schemes?)

Faster Team Development

(Faster than....? There is a theme developing here.)

Understanding your Wealth Profile and your path of least resistance to create your personal wealth

(What about emotional wealth? I need my emotional wealth.)

Rapid New Company Formation

(Eh? Like those off-the-shelf companies? Or does it mean you can pick your team from BlackStars? Personally, wouldn't have anyone in a business who thinks it is good value to give 3 grand to Thomas Power on an unproven whim.)

Different Energy Levels

(Just getting silly now. Could you explain, Thomas?)

Amplify Yourself


Magnify Yourself

(n.b. Ecademy is not responsible for any burns inflicted while magnifying yourself.)

Multiply Yourself


Expand your mind


Fewer barriers to trade

(Yet more unprovable bullshit.)

Private Skype Chatroom running 24*7 worldwide with members in 18 countries

(Probably. Wow. Skype is free.)


(Benefit of BlackStar?)


(Fair enough. You'll probably have a good laugh.)


(As the email leak proved. And the alleged BlackStar mole.)


(From what?)


(No thanks Thomas.)


(This is Trust the marketing tool, not Trust the actual concept, presumably.)

Peace of Mind

(Thomas and Penny won't starve. I can sleep at night.)

Technorati - -

Monday, June 20, 2005

One thing they get right...

The hardline stance on MLM. Recently tested on

Darrin sometimes pops up to try and defend MLM, because he peddles that melaleuca crap himself.

Nice to see that he mentions "complimentary" therapies. Think he could point me in the direction of these most cost-effective of medicines?

As for his claim that the "effectiveness depends... on the belief systems of the subject". No wonder he finds it easy to believe that MLM is good.

Technorati -

Sunday, June 19, 2005

24 hours

24 hours without a single MarketStar ad being posted.

3 of the last 4 ads are Mike "Tragic" Segall's usual ads.

Not exactly the hub of commerce they were planning.

Technorati - -

Thursday, June 16, 2005

David Harrington - Genius

'Nuff said

Technorati -

Not just affiliate schemes - MLM too!

More and more evidence that BlackStar is not quite the investment it was made out to be. Two more BlackStars have posted almost identical MLM-based MarketStar ads.

Considering Ecademy's previous no-tolerance stance on MLM, what will happen? Well, these people are BlackStar members, have paid their three grand to Thomas Power, so presumably can do what they want.

Technorati - - -

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Somebody must be tempted

To answer simply "No" to this blog...

Technorati - -

MarketStar Members Dropping Like Flies

MarketStar private members club is now down to 87 -

Shouldn't gloat really.



Technorati - -

Helping you choose who to do business with

These people are trying to defend the morally reprehensible act of flogging Live8 tickets on ebay for a vast profit.

Andy Davies
Martin Bamford
Simon Owens

These are not people I would choose to do business with, though I thank them for sharing their views, so that others can make this decision in the future.

Technorati -

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I suppose it makes BlackStar easier to believe in...

...when you believe a right load of tosh to begin with.

I don't want to be a Fay Oilyskin basher in the mould of Mr Brown, but she doesn't half give you the ammo.

"The Earth is indestructible. It is a forever renewing source. It will still be here to the end of time which is for infinity."

Perhaps this is why BlackStar was so attractive for Fay... she can pass her membership on for infinity. Suddenly it looks like a bargain. £3000 divided by infinity is as close as you can get to zero without actually being zero.

How can you multiply what you do, without you?

What the hell does that mean?

Does it mean setting up affiliate schemes?


More BlackStar affiliate advertising.

I'm beginning to think that they are being told to get involved in crappy affiliate schemes.

This one is particularly crappy.

Would you associate your law firm with someone who promotes this rubbish?

Had a little look at the clubs...

Makes for interesting reading.

Has somebody else left BlackStar? I only ask as the club is currently showing one less member.

MarketStar club members are dropping like flies - from 150-odd for a month following the free trial, down to 115 earlier today, and now only 109. They must kick people out after their trial ends. Is it just me, or is this a particularly stupid marketing decision?

Also worth noting that nobody has posted to the MarketStar club for 4 days. Gary Stapleton's BackPage Classifieds has more frequent postings.

The Censor strikes again

A couple of blogs have alluded to people being jailed and blogs being censored

As far as I can tell the offending blogs were titled "Anyone want to toss?" and "Salad Tosser Required", links to which can still be seen here, although the blogs have been removed

Tip - if you are going to censor things, behave like proper totalitarians and leave no trace.

You are all Penny's Children

in context...

What does she mean by this...

"I honestly will stand by this and I am not scared of the members who disagree."

Not scared? Is she implying that members who disagree are trying to scare her? Bizarre.

Further down the page she states

"As you know Free Speach [sic] is abundant here..."

which is bollocks. Glenn has said to me

"I will not tolerate anymore of this behaviour from anyonein the membership - especially in the name of "free speech"."
