Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Benefits of BlackStar

Changes to the BlackStar page...


...what to make of the benefits?

Life Membership is an asset that may be listed in your Will and passed on to the next of kin

(True - although this has always struck me as a bizarre "benefit". Nice that they charge 10% of "value" to the grieving recipient.)

Life Members give one another Work

(What? Just through being a BlackStar? No. Stupid statement.)

Private Meetings

(Can be arranged without BlackStar)

Better Connectivity

(Impossible to quantify. Better than what? Non-BlackStar? Nope)

Private 1-to-1s

(Because you can't talk to anyone privately without BlackStar.)

Better Access to People

(No. Even if this means "in Ecademy", then PN status means you can connect with everyone in the network.)

Better and New Routes to Market

(Can't be proven.)

Find Work Faster

(Can't be proven. Bullshit.)

Find Suppliers and Trusted Partners Faster

(Can't be proven. Suppliers for anything? No.)

Surround yourself with experts

(Experts in what? Snake Oil? Affiliate schemes?)

Faster Team Development

(Faster than....? There is a theme developing here.)

Understanding your Wealth Profile and your path of least resistance to create your personal wealth

(What about emotional wealth? I need my emotional wealth.)

Rapid New Company Formation

(Eh? Like those off-the-shelf companies? Or does it mean you can pick your team from BlackStars? Personally, wouldn't have anyone in a business who thinks it is good value to give 3 grand to Thomas Power on an unproven whim.)

Different Energy Levels

(Just getting silly now. Could you explain, Thomas?)

Amplify Yourself


Magnify Yourself

(n.b. Ecademy is not responsible for any burns inflicted while magnifying yourself.)

Multiply Yourself


Expand your mind


Fewer barriers to trade

(Yet more unprovable bullshit.)

Private Skype Chatroom running 24*7 worldwide with members in 18 countries

(Probably. Wow. Skype is free.)


(Benefit of BlackStar?)


(Fair enough. You'll probably have a good laugh.)


(As the email leak proved. And the alleged BlackStar mole.)


(From what?)


(No thanks Thomas.)


(This is Trust the marketing tool, not Trust the actual concept, presumably.)

Peace of Mind

(Thomas and Penny won't starve. I can sleep at night.)

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