Sunday, August 07, 2005

The fallout...

At least two people are now in Ecademy "jail" as a result of this ongoing saga. A large number of blogs have been censored.

Penny has said something very revealing.

"Please remember, trust works both ways, we also need to be able to trust the members, and take action in order to protect them from those who we believe have lost our trust.".

Get that?

"...take action in order to protect them from those who we believe have lost our trust."

That is a big concept to hide behind, especially when they consistently fail to provide details of how people have "lost our trust".

Ecademy operates from the top down.

The "community" has to be sanctioned by the leaders. They consistently forget that without the members, they are nothing.

There is an arbitrary and corrupt "justice" system, again run by the leaders, designed to silence anyone who questions the actions and/or motives of the leadership.

Some of their actions are bizarre. A couple of years ago they kicked out a 14/15 year old entrepreneur, on the grounds that Ecademy was only for adults. Now they introduce a profanity filter, so you can all be treated like juveniles.

One thing they don't like is being made to look stupid. That is virtually guaranteed to get you the boot. That is all I did to warrant expulsion. Trouble is, it is all too easy to make stupid people look stupid.

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At 3:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool indeed.

Thanks for sharing! I'll add your blog to my bookmarks right now :-)



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